Seriously, Internet Killed TV. Take a look at the YouTube
channel that has 1621 vlogs (video blogs) with combined views of over 400
million. Gone are the days of indiscriminate cable consumption and spoon-fed
content, where we sat transfixed, and complacent, in front of television sets
empty-eyed, empty-minded, and ultimately, empty-handed.
Recently the audience has been promoted. There’s been an update in
our status (pun very much intended) and an upgrade in our account settings;
from standard user to Administrator. Some of us may not actively contribute to
content, but we certainly arrange it to our liking using RSS feeds. We
search for content, instead of the older, cannier way it (and its creators) had
of finding us.
We are now the authors, directors and producers of our content.
The current information age proves intangible in scope, giving us a multitude
of choices and generating endless possibilities therein. We “follow” what and whom
we like, “subscribe” and “prescribe” to the information flow of people and
organizations that we identify with on intellectual, emotional, financial or
spiritual levels, et al.
Most would say the age is golden, that we are unequivocally in
control of our social media destiny. But
are we? Think of the privacy (as in the distinct lack thereof)
culture multimedia has introduced.
Consider our
dependency on social media and their electronic hosts: mobile phones, tablets,
laptops, and other devices. Are we divorcing ourselves from "live"
experiences using said devices? We invest so much of our time speaking through
mediums and outlets that we may come to forget how to communicate without
technology's impersonal complement.
Look no further than yourself for a case study. Identify what your
first emotion is when you realize you don't have your phone or communicating
device on you (or believe it to be lost). Does it look like this?
don't want to revisit the memory for too long as I'm sure the idea gives you an
interesting amount of anxiety. I
Forgot My Phone tells a cautionary tale. It poses interesting
questions: Are we empowered or enslaved? Is the "killing" death
or rebirth?
Count: 353
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